Acronyms used in this manual

API Application Programming Interface
beacon BluetoothLE beacon
BLE, BTLE or BluetoothLE BluetoothLowEnergy - don’t mix that up with just Bluetooth
BT Bluetooth
CAD Cadence - cycling - calculating the Crank Revolutions per minute
CSC Cycling Speed and Cadence (BluetoothLE)
CSV File format - Comma seperated values
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
FIT File format - Flexible and Interoperable data Transfer (a file format from Garmin)
FTMS Fitness-Machine-Service Bluetooth Specification
GMT Timezone - Greenwich Mean Time
GPL GPSLogger II or File format - file extension for path files
GPP File format - File extension for positions / locations
GPX File format - GPS exchange format (v1.0 & v1.1)
MSL Mean Sea Level
NMEA National Marine Electronics Association see NMEA 0183
OMD OpenMapData Provider
OSM OpenStreetMap
SDK Software Development Kit
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
TIA Thanks in advance
TTS Text To Speech - Speech Synthesis / Generated Speech (different engines available based on your model & manufacturer) - can be configured in the OS Settings
URL Uniform Resource Locator, colloquially termed a web address
UTC Coordinated Universal Time
UUID Universally unique identifier
VAM velocità ascensionale media (translated in English to mean average ascent speed)
WGS84 World Geodetic System from 1984
Y/N Yes or No
Version: 2023/03/19